Talks & Publications

Industry Talks
Web Directions Design (2019)
Beyond the Execution
Amuse Conference (2018)
Beyond the Execution
The UX Conference (2018)
The Process is the Work
User Research London (2018)
Beyond Good Research
Publication Highlights
André, P., Kraut, R.E., and Kittur, A.
Effects of Simultaneous and Sequential Work Structures on Distributed Collaborative Interdependent Tasks
In: CHI 2014.
Chilton, L., Kim, J., André, P., Cordeiro, F., Landay, J., Weld, D., Dow, S., Miller, R., and Zhang, H.
Frenzy: Collaborative Data Organization for Creating Conference Sessions
In: CHI 2014.
André, P., Kittur, A., and Dow, S.P.
Crowd Synthesis: Extracting Categories and Clusters from Complex Data
In: CSCW 2014.
Yu, L., André, P., Kittur, A., and Kraut, R.E.
A Comparison of Social, Learning, and Financial Strategies on Crowd Engagement and Output Quality
In: CSCW 2014.
André, P., Zhang, H., Kim, J., Chilton, L., Dow, S.P., and Miller, R.C.
Community Clustering: Leveraging an Academic Crowd to Form Coherent Sessions
In: HCOMP 2013. Notable Paper Award
Kim, J., Zhang, H., André, P., Chilton, L.C., Mackay, W., Beaudoin-Lafon, M., Miller, R.C., and Dow, S.P.
Cobi: A Community-Informed Conference Scheduling Tool
In: UIST 2013.
André, P., Bernstein, M., and Luther, K.
Who Gives a Tweet? Evaluating Microblog Content.
In: CSCW 2012. Best Paper, Honorable Mention.
Kittur, A., Khamkar, S., André, P., and Kraut, R. E.
CrowdWeaver: Visually managing complex crowd work.
In: CSCW 2012.
André, P., Sellen, A., schraefel, m. c., and Wood, K.
Making Public Media Personal: Nostalgia and Reminiscence in the Workplace.
In: BCS HCI 2011.
Bernstein, M.S., Monroy-Hernández, A., Harry, D., André, P., Panovich, K. and Vargas, G.
4chan and /b/: An Analysis of Anonymity and Ephemerality in a Large Online Community.
In: ICWSM 2011. Best Paper Award.
André, P., schraefel, m. c., Dix, A. and White, R. W.
Expressing Well-Being Online: Towards Self-Reflection and Social Awareness.
In: iConference 2011.
Van Kleek, M., Moore, B., Karger, D., André, P. and schraefel, m. c.
Atomate It! End-user Context-Sensitive Automation using Heterogeneous Information Sources on the Web.
In: WWW 2010.
André, P., schraefel, m. c., Dix, A. and White, R. W.
Experience in Social Affective Applications: Methodologies and Case Study.
In: alt.chi 2010.
André, P., schraefel, m. c., Teevan, J. and Dumais, S. T.
Discovery Is Never By Chance: Designing for (Un)Serendipity.
In: ACM Creativity & Cognition 2009.
André, P., Cutrell, E., Tan, D. S. and Smith, G.
Designing Novel Image Search Interfaces by Understanding Unique Characteristics and Usage.
In: INTERACT 2009.
André, P., Teevan, J. and Dumais, S. T.
From X-Rays to Silly Putty via Uranus: Serendipity and its Role in Web Search.
In: CHI2009.
Teevan, J., Cutrell, E., Fisher, D., Drucker, S. M., Ramos, G., André, P. and Hu, C.
Visual Snippets: Summarizing Web Pages for Search and Revisitation.
In: CHI 2009.
Wilson, M. L., André, P. and schraefel, m. c.
Backward Highlighting: Enhancing Faceted Search.
In: UIST2008.
André, P., Wilson, M. L., Russell, A., Smith, D. A., Owens, A. and schraefel, m. c.
Continuum: designing timelines for hierarchies, relationships and scale.
In: UIST2007.
Smith, D. A., Owens, A., schraefel, m. c., Sinclair, P., André, P., Wilson, M., Russell, A., Martinez, K. and Lewis, P.
Challenges in Supporting Faceted Semantic Browsing of Multimedia Collections.
In: SAMT 2007.
André, P., Chapman, M., Frazer, A., Hargood, C., Hayton, A., Hooper, C., Willingham, G., Martinez, K. and schraefel, m. c.
Rules of Engagement: design attributes for social interactions.
In: BCS HCI 2006.